Getting Started
Welcome to the Tertiary Education Comission's (TEC) API Developer Portal. Here you will find information about the various ways that you can integrate with the TEC to submit data to the Data Exchange Platform (DXP).
This section will contain the information to get you started with onboarding and integration of our system.
The Data Exchange Platform
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Integration onboarding
Onboarding for integration to the Data Exchange Platform differs slightly from onboarding to the DXP Portal. Onboarding for integration requires the registration of an Education Sector Logon (ESL) Machine Account suited to the environment that you require access to. A single machine account may be used to integrate on behalf of multiple providers, however for security purposes, accounts are isolated per environment.
For the purposes of DXP integration, there are two environments:
- PRE-PRODUCTION: A sandbox environment for integrators to verify that API-based integration is successful. An ESL pre-production machine account is required to access this environment.
- PRODUCTION: The production DXP environment. An ESL production machine account is required to access this environment
Obtaining a ESL machine account
The DXP Platform is integrated in to the Ministry of Education's (MoE) Digital Identity Management System. Integrators are required to register for a machine account. ESL is a centralised identity management, authentication and authorisation solution that provides secure access / logon to Education Sector applications.
Machine accounts are intended for application-to-application communication. Machine accounts are a type of ESL account that is used by Student Management Systems (SMSs)/Training Management Systems (TMSs) to log in to education sector systems such as the TEC APIs. The Machine Account Owner is responsible for the management of the machine account/s they own.
- Complete the ESL 42 form to create a user account in pre-production
- Complete the ESL 08 form to request a machine account in pre-production
- Complete the ESL 120 form toe create a user account in production
- Complete the ESL 08 form to request a machine account in production
Feedback and getting help
The following channels are available for obtaining support with your integration needs:
Email - Our API support e-mail address allows e-mail based communication.
Teams - Our Teams channel allows integrators to ask questions.
TEC Website - Our TEC website contains general information about our funds, the DXP Portal and other options.