submissionToken string — OPTIONAL |
tokenExpiry date-time — OPTIONALThe date and time that this token will expire |
maxRecordPerBatch int32 — OPTIONALThe maximum number of records per batch that can be send in a single request. The record count is the sum of the number of records in the content submission ie courses, learners, course enrolments, course completions, qualification completions |
returnId int64 — OPTIONALThereturn ID that this submission is associated to. |
edumis int32 — OPTIONALThe EDUMIS number of the organisation that the submission is being made for. |
returnYear int32 — OPTIONALThe year that the submission is being made in the format CCYY. |
returnMonth int32 — OPTIONALThe month that the submission is being made. |
submissionStatus string — OPTIONALThe status of the submission.
Pending - The submission is still in progress.
Validating - The submission is currently undergoing validation.
Validated - The submission has been validated.
Submitted - The submission has passed validation and has been submitted for TEC validation.
Cancelled - The submission has been cancelled.
Closed - The submission has been closed. |
submissionType string — OPTIONALThe return type.
Full - Full SDR return.
Indicative - Indicative SDR return. |
submissionContentsUrl string — OPTIONALA URL for retrieving submission contents in CSV format. |
validationRunResults object[] — OPTIONALValidation results for each attempted run. submissionToken string — OPTIONAL | dateReceived date-time — OPTIONALThe date that the validation request was received. | dateStarted date-time — OPTIONALThe date that the validation run was started. | dateCompleted date-time — OPTIONALThe date that the validation run was completed. | status string — OPTIONALPossible values: [Accumulate , RollBack , Cancelled , FailedToTransfer , Halted , InProgress , Processed , Queued , Rejected , Submitted , UnknownError , SubmitError ] The status of the current submission for this return. | errorCount int32 — OPTIONALThe number of errors that occurred | warningCount int32 — OPTIONALThe number of warnings that occured |