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Upload learner data to the submission

Using a valid submission token, upload learner data to the submission.

You are able to make multiple calls to this end point to accumulate data against the submission.

Each record in the submission content must contain a localId field - this field is used by the caller to indentify the record.

The value of localId is only used in the context of the caller managing the records within the submission.

The value of localId must be unique within the submission learners and must be set by the caller. Adding a second record in the same content type with an identical localId will cause the first record with the same localId value to be replaced.

Header Parameters

Enter the EDUMIS (Organisation) ID

Request Body
submissionToken string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length

The valid submission token to submit data against

content object[] REQUIRED
localId string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length

An integrator generated unique identifier for this item.

studentIdentificationCode string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 10

Student Identification Code

A code which uniquely identifies the learner within each TEO. The student ID must remain constant for the learner throughout their enrolment history at your organisation.

Length: 10

Type: Character

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: This number must be the unique value generated by each TEO.

This field is mandatory.

gender string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length


A code to identify the gender of a learner.

Type: Character

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

M: Male

F: Female

D: Another gender

This field is mandatory.

dateOfBirth date-time REQUIRED

Date of Birth

The day, month, and year of birth of the learner.

Type: Date

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: DD/MM/YYYY.

This field is mandatory.


Will use ISO-8601 for your dates and will accept any timezone. The API will store and return in UTC. The full format is recommended.

Example of full format version of ISO 8601


totalFeeForDomesticStudent double

Total Fee for Domestic Student

The total fee for an individual learner is a sum of the following components that a domestic learner is charged for the whole year.

  1. Tuition fees

  2. Compulsory course cost fees, and

  3. Student services fees (and any other compulsory fees).

Note: The tuition fee charged to an international fee-paying learner must be reported to Tuition fee paid by international fee-paying student field.

Type: Numeric (8,2)

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Enter the dollar value with two decimal places, including GST.

The value should be updated if it changes, such as when courses are added or withdrawn.

nameIdCode string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 5

Name ID Code

The first four characters of a learner’s surname plus initial of first legal name.

If the learner does not have a first name, use the first five characters for the surname.

Length: 5

Type: Character

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: The value is generated by your organisation from the learner’s name. The NAMEID Code is generated from the first four characters of the surname and the first initial of forename 1.

Characters must be capitalised. If the surname is less than 4 characters, then blanks must be inserted before forename initial. The initial must be in the fifth position. E.g.,

› LEE A for Andrew Lee

› VAN M for Michael van der Hum

› DE WP for Peter de Wittering

› KHSID for Khsithesh Devi

› O’COB for Brian O’Connor

Note: The NAMEID Code must match the equivalent NAMEID Code from the main name or an alternative name on the National Student Number (NSN).

This field is mandatory.

mainActivityAt1OctoberInYearPriorToFormalEnrolment string

Possible values: length ≤ 2

Main Activity at 1 October in Year Prior to Formal Enrolment

The main activity or occupation for the learner on 1 October of the year prior to enrolling as a Type D student at your organisation. This field is not required to be changed upon re-enrolment if the duration between the end of the previous enrolment and the re-enrolment is 12 months or less. If a learner returns to the same TEO after not being enrolled for a period of more than 12 months, this field should be updated to reflect the learner’s most recent main activity on 1 October of the year before.

If the learner enrolled for the first time between 1 October and 31 December of the current year, then report the main activity on 1 October of the current year.

Length: 2

Type: Character

Type of enrolment: D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

1: Secondary school student

2: Non-employed or beneficiary (excluding retired)

3: Wage or salary worker

4: Self-employed

5: University student

6: Polytechnic student

7: College of Education student

8: House person or retired

9: Overseas (irrespective of occupation)

11: Private Training Establishment student

12: Wānanga student

Note: The classification of ’99 – other’ has been removed and may only be used historically.

firstYearOfTertiaryEducation int32

First Year of Tertiary Education

The year in which a learner first enrolled in any “quality assured” qualification:

› at a TEO in New Zealand or overseas, or

› in the Foundation Year at the University of the South Pacific, or

› at a registered Private Training Establishment.

Enrolment in STAR, community, or other non-formal education does not count for first year purposes.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: D

Guidance: Enter the year in the format YYYY - e.g., 2023.

This field is mandatory if the learner is a New Zealand or Australian citizen or resident.

disabilityServicesAccessedIndicator int32 REQUIRED

Disability Services Accessed Indicator

A code to indicate whether a student has accessed disability services

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

1: Disability services accessed.

2: Disability services not accessed.

This field is mandatory.

lastSecondarySchoolAttended int32

Last Secondary School Attended

A code to identify the last secondary school attended by the learner.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: D

Guidance: Select a value from the secondary school codes classification.

The Secondary School Codes are available at the Education Counts website - Secondary School Codes. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

lastYearAtSecondarySchool int32

Last Year at Secondary School

The year in which the learner finished their secondary school education.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: D

Guidance: Enter the year in the format YYYY - e.g., 2023.

highestSecondarySchoolQualification string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2

Highest Secondary School Qualification

A code to show the highest secondary school qualification attained by the learner.

Length: 2

Type: Character

Type of enrolment: D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

0: No formal secondary school qualification

11: 14 or more credits at any level

12: NCEA Level 1 or School Certificate

13: NCEA Level 2 or 6th Form Certificate

14: University Entrance

15: NCEA Level 3 or Bursary or Scholarship

9: Overseas qualification (incl. International Baccalaureate & Cambridge Exams)

98: Other

99: Not known

This field is mandatory.

countryOfCitizenship string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 3

Country of Citizenship

The country of citizenship of a learner.

Length: 3

Type: Character

Type of enrolment: C, D

Guidance: Select a value country of citizenship classification. Refer to the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

Note: 999 is valid for Type B and C students

This field is mandatory.

expectationToCompleteAQualificationThisYear boolean

Expectation to Complete a Qualification this year

Identifies whether the learner expects to be eligible for the award of a qualification in this academic year.

Length: 1

Type: Character

Type of enrolment: D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

Y: Yes, the student expects to be eligible for the award of a qualification this academic year or next if their current enrolment spans the end of an academic year.

N: No, the student doesn’t expect to be eligible for the award of a qualification this academic year or next if their current enrolment spans the end of an academic year.

This field is mandatory


Type: Boolean

Guidance: Value will translate as follow

true Yes(Y)

false No (N)

iwiAffiliation string[]

Iwi Affiliation

A code to indicate the iwi affiliation of a learner. If a learner has more than one affiliation, then up to six Iwi can be recorded.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value or values from the Statistics NZ Iwi and iwi-related groups statistical classification V2.1.0.

Separate each iwi reported with a semicolon (;).

Where the ethnic group is “211” a value must be submitted for type C & D learners. A value is voluntary for type B.

The Iwi classification is available at NZ Statistics - Iwi and iwi-related groups statistical classificationV2.1.0. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.


Length: 10

Type: String Array

nationalStudentNumber int32 REQUIRED

National Student Number

A number which uniquely identifies the learner. The NSN must remain constant for the learner throughout their enrolment at your or any other organisation. The NSN reported in the Learner file must match the NSN used for other collections (e.g., Course Enrolment).

The NSN is part of the NSI database system maintained by the Ministry of Education.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: This number must be the value generated by the National Student Index (NSI) for the learner.

This field is mandatory.

tuitionFeePaidByInternationalFeePayingStudent double

Tuition Fee Paid by International Fee-paying Student

The tuition fee charged to an international learner.

For the purposes of the Export Education Levy and the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students; ‘international student’ is defined as any learner that is not a ‘domestic student’.

For a definition of ‘domestic student’ refer to the Fund Finder on the TEC website for more information.

Type: Numeric (8,2)

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Enter the New Zealand dollar value with two decimal places, excluding GST.

Applies to All ‘onshore’ international fee-paying learner with learner types B, C or D determined by:

› Intramural/Extramural Attendance is 1 or 2 and

› Source of Funding is 02 or Source of Funding is 01 and

› Category of Fees Assessment for International Students for each enrolment is 06.

The fee should always exceed the tuition fee charged to a domestic learner. The foreign tuition fee in addition to all the normal domestic tuition costs must also include:

› the costs of sale such as agents’ fees and marketing

› the cost of the Export Education Levy.

Additional compulsory course costs are not included in the tuition fee.

Tuition fee must be reported on either the Learner File or the Course Register File, but not on both.

maximaExemptFee double REQUIRED

Maxima Exempt Fee

Student services fee: The maxima exempt fees are compulsory fees for the provision of student services only.

Type: Numeric (8,2)

Type of enrolment: B, D

Guidance: Enter the dollar value with two decimal places, including GST.

The value reported should represent the total amount charged in students services fees to a learner.

This field should be updated to show the latest total value paid by a learner. The full amount paid by a learner must be entered by the time of the December SDR.

This field is mandatory.

ethnicity int32[]


A code to indicate the ethnicity of a learner. Up to six ethnic codes can be entered in this field. The codes identify the ethnic group or groups to which a learner belongs.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value or values from the Statistics NZ Ethnicity New Zealand Standard Classification 2005V2.1.0.

Note: At least one value must be reported.

The Ethnicity classification is available at NZ Statistics – Ethnicity New Zealand Standard Classification 2005V2.1.0. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

Separate each ethnicity reported with a semicolon (;)

This field is mandatory for type C & D learners. A value is voluntary for type B learners.


Type: Integer Array

permanentPostCode string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length

Permanent Post Code

The learners’ main location during the 12 months prior to first enrolling at the TEO.

This information would only be updated where the TEO has not had an enrolment at any stage in the last 2 academic years or longer.

Type: String

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the NZ Post Codes classification or use one of the following values:

0: Overseas

-1: Not yet known

Refer to the DXP Data Classifications Appendices or NZ Posts Address or Postcode Finder.

This field is mandatory.

termPostCode string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length

Term Post Code

The learner’s current residential location while receiving the learning.

The information would be updated when the details change.

Type: String

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the NZ Post Codes classification or use one of the following values:

0: Overseas

-1: Not yet known

Refer to the DXP Data Classifications Appendices or NZ Posts Address or Postcode Finder.

This field is mandatory.

disabilityStatus int32 REQUIRED

Disability Status

Indicates the disability status of a learner.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

1: Yes

2: No

3: Prefer not to say

This field is mandatory.

disabilitySupportNeeds int32[]

Disability Support Needs

Available options to indicate the support a learner requires where they have answered Yes to the Disability Status.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

1: Access to assistive technology (e.g., for reading, writing, communication).

2: Accessible format resources for course content.

3: Mobility and transport (e.g., navigator support to help movement around campus, mobility carparks, personal emergency evacuation plan).

4: New Zealand Sign Language Interpreter.

5: Support with reading, writing, and communicating in learning sessions, exams, and assessments.

6: Other learning or disability support.

7: No, I do not need support at this time.

If the Disability Status is Yes, then at least one value must be supplied. Multiple values can be entered, with each separated with a semicolon (;).


Type: Integer Array


Acknowledgement of data received

submissionToken string OPTIONAL

The valid submission token to submit data against

content object[] OPTIONAL

The submission content result.

localId string OPTIONAL
errors string[] OPTIONAL

Submission token is not found - check error code for more detail

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL
errors object OPTIONAL
returnId string OPTIONAL
submissionToken string OPTIONAL
content object OPTIONAL
errorCode string OPTIONAL

Authorization failed

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL

Concurrent Request Not Allowed - check error code for more detail

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL