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Upload qualification completion data to the submission

Using a valid submission token, upload qualification completion data to the submission.

You are able to make multiple calls to this end point to accumulate data against the submission.

Each record in the submission content must contain a localId field - this field is used by the caller to indentify the record.

The value of localId is only used in the context of the caller managing the records within the submission.

The value of localId must be unique within the submission qualification completions and must be set by the caller. Adding a second record in the same content type with an identical localId will cause the first record with the same localId value to be replaced.

Header Parameters

Enter the EDUMIS (Organisation) ID

Request Body
submissionToken string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length

The valid submission token to submit data against

content object[] REQUIRED
localId string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length

An integrator generated unique identifier for this item.

studentIdentificationCode string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 10

Student Identification Code

A code which uniquely identifies the learner within each TEO. The student ID must remain constant for the learner throughout their enrolment history at your organisation

Length: 10

Type: Alpha-Numeric

Type of enrolment: D

Guidance: The value is generated by each TEO.

This field is mandatory.

nationalStudentNumber int32 REQUIRED

National Student Number

A number which uniquely identifies the learner. The NSN must remain constant for the learner throughout their enrolment at your or any other organisation. The NSN is part of the NSI database system maintained by the Ministry of Education.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: D

Guidance: This number must be the value generated by the National Student Index (NSI) for the learner.

This field is mandatory.

qualificationCode string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 6

Qualification Code

The Qualification code relating to a quality assured qualification.

› The field is used to indicate:

› the qualification the learner is currently enrolled in, or

› a qualification that has been completed by the learner, or

› a qualification for which a course has been approved for funding.

Length: 6

Type: Alpha-Numeric

Type of enrolment: D

Guidance: The value should be a six alpha-numeric code as on the SDR Qualifications Register which uniquely identifies a quality assured qualification.

(Note requirements for pre-service teacher education qualifications in SDR Qualifications Register section).

This field is mandatory.

yearRequirementsMet int32 REQUIRED

Year Requirements Met

The year the requirements have been met for the award of a qualification as set out in the approved regulations.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: D

Guidance: Enter the year in the format YYYY - e.g., 2023.

This field is mandatory.


Acknowledgement of data received

submissionToken string OPTIONAL

The valid submission token to submit data against

content object[] OPTIONAL

The submission content result.

localId string OPTIONAL
errors string[] OPTIONAL

Submission token is not found - check error code for more detail

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL
errors object OPTIONAL
returnId string OPTIONAL
submissionToken string OPTIONAL
content object OPTIONAL
errorCode string OPTIONAL

Authorization failed

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL

Concurrent Request Not Allowed - check error code for more detail

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL