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Upload course enrolment data to the submission

Using a valid submission token, upload course enrolment data to the submission.

You are able to make multiple calls to this end point to accumulate data against the submission.

Each record in the submission content must contain a localId field - this field is used by the caller to indentify the record.

The value of localId is only used in the context of the caller managing the records within the submission.

The value of localId must be unique within the submission course enrolments and must be set by the caller. Adding a second record in the same content type with an identical localId will cause the first record with the same localId value to be replaced.

Header Parameters

Enter the EDUMIS (Organisation) ID

Request Body
submissionToken string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length

The valid submission token to submit data against

content object[] REQUIRED
localId string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length

An integrator generated unique identifier for this item.

studentIdentificationCode string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 10

Student Identification Code

A code which uniquely identifies the learner within each TEO.

The student ID must remain constant for the learner throughout their enrolment history at your organisation.

Length: 10

Type: Character

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: The value is generated by each TEO.

This field is mandatory.

qualificationCode string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 6

Qualification Code

Identifies the Qualification code relating to a quality assured qualification indicating the:

› qualification the learner is currently enrolled in, or

› a qualification that has been completed by a learner, or

› a qualification for which a course has been approved for funding.

Length: 6

Type: Alpha-Numeric

Type of enrolment: B, C, D


The value should be a six alpha-numeric code from the SDR Qualifications Register.

(Note requirements for pre-service teacher education qualifications in SDR Qualifications Register section).

Non-Formal Education (TEIs only)

Note that Qualification Award Code (QAC) of all non-formal qualification must be one of 90, 91, 97, 99.

For community, continuing, and general education qualifications that are less than or equal to 40 hours of teaching use the Qualification code: G9999 and Qualification Award Code (QAC) must be one of 90, 97, 99.

For community, continuing, and general education qualifications that are greater than 40 hours of teaching use the Qualification code built on this model:

Model: GFFSSX - Example: G48017 (where G is community; FF is field of study; SS is sub-field; X is digit 0-9)

Note: Non-Formal Education is not required to be reported in the Qualification Completion file.

This field is mandatory.

courseCode string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Course Code

The internal code for a course in which learners are enrolled.

The code must be able to uniquely identify a specific course in which a learner is enrolled regardless of the period, location, and year in which it is taught.

The course code should be consistently reported for each course offered by the TEO.

Length: 20

Type: Alpha-Numeric

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: The internal code for the course. The code should contain no reference to dates or years in which the course is taught, e.g., “ECON112”.

Note: Every unique course in the course enrolment file should appear once, and once only, in the course register file.

This field is mandatory.

courseStartDate date-time REQUIRED

Course Start Date

The start date of the learner's course(s) in the current or previous academic year.

This date is the officially notified beginning date of instruction and/or structured supervision associated with each learner's course(s) at a tertiary education organisation.

Type: Date

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: DD/MM/YYYY

This field is mandatory.


Will use ISO-8601 for your dates and will accept any timezone. The API will store and return in UTC. The full format is recommended.

Example of full format version of ISO 8601


courseEndDate date-time REQUIRED

Course End Date

The end date of the learner's course.

This will normally be the officially notified end date of instruction and/or examination associated with a course.

If a course spans the end of the normal academic year, the last date will be for the following year.

Type: Date

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: DD/MM/YYYY

This field is mandatory.


Will use ISO-8601 for your dates and will accept any timezone. The API will store and return in UTC. The full format is recommended.

Example of full format version of ISO 8601


studentsCourseWithdrawalDate date-time

Student’s Course Withdrawal Date

The date of withdrawal of a confirmed student enrolment from a course, programme or training scheme otherwise should be left blank.

A “withdrawal” means the withdrawal of a confirmed student enrolment from a course, programme, or training scheme, by notice from the learner to the TEO or because of non-attendance or non-participation by a learner at the TEO for any reason, and whether the learner has been refunded any fees.

Type: Date

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: DD/MM/YYYY


Will use ISO-8601 for your dates and will accept any timezone. The API will store and return in UTC. The full format is recommended.

Example of full format version of ISO 8601


categoryOfFeesAssessmentForInternationalStudentsForEachEnrolment string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2

Category of Fees Assessment for International Students for each enrolment

The code to identify the category of fees assessment for international students.

International students are those not classified as NZL or AUS in the Country of Citizenship field (Learner Data Submission), or Y in the Residential Status field, except if Residential Status is Y or Country of Citizenship is AUS and Intramural/Extramural Attendance field is resident overseas.

Length: 2

Type: Alpha-Numeric

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

0: (zero zero) Domestic Student*1

1: NZAID student

3: International Fee-Paying Student (including people on current work visa) *2

4: Student on a recognised exchange scheme

6: Foreign research based post-graduate*3

8: Diplomatic staff or family, persons associated with Antarctic programme

9: International On-Shore PhD student

12: International student doing ITO off-job training

13: Refugee or protected person, yet to be granted a resident visa; the immediate family, also without a resident visa, of a person with refugee or protected person status; and those who have made a claim to be recognised as a refugee or protected person

14: 2021 Resident Visa pathway, children aged 25 years or under on 1 January 2022 and residing in New Zealand, of a parent on an eligible work visa for the 2021 Resident Visa

*1 The Category of Fees Assessment for International Students for each enrolment field will:

› Always be 00 (zero zero) for New Zealand citizens (Country of Citizenship is NZL);

› Be 00 for the following students if they are residing in New Zealand (Intramural/Extramural Attendance is 1 or 2):

o Students holding New Zealand resident status (Residential Status is ‘Y’),

o Australian citizens (Country of Citizenship is AUS),

o Students holding a current Australian permanent resident visa (Australian Residential Status is ‘Y’).

› Be 00 for the following students if they are intramural and residing overseas (Intramural/Extramural Attendance is 4) and the students must be studying at Level 7 or above in a country they are not familiar with:

o Students holding New Zealand resident status (Residential Status is ‘Y’),

o Australian citizens (Country of Citizenship is AUS),

o Students holding a current Australian permanent resident visa (Australian Residency Status is ‘Y’).

*2 An international student enrolled in a programme of study that is a Masters (Level 9 on the NZQCF) or a Doctoral Programme, excluding PhDs (Level 10 on the NZQCF). This category has been discontinued from 2019. They are now international Fee-Paying Student – Category of Fees Assessment for International Students for each enrolment is 03.

*3 When Category of Fees Assessment for International Students for each enrolment is 09 it is for a student enrolled in a programme of study that is: A PhD (Level 10 on the NZQCF), and wholly research (for example, 120 credits thesis).

This field is mandatory.

intramuralExtramuralAttendance int32 REQUIRED

Intramural/Extramural Attendance

The field is used to record a code which specifies the mode of learning for a Learner.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

1: Intramural and residing in New Zealand

2: Extramural and residing in New Zealand

3: Extramural and residing overseas

4: Intramural and residing overseas

This field is mandatory.

courseDeliverySite string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2

Course Delivery Site

Delivery site or campus of the course or module of a qualification in which a learner is enrolled. The delivery site refers to the location in which most of the teaching, instruction or learning occurs for a particular course. The campus or site must be a recognised centre of learning by the TEO that is geographically separate from other sites or campuses.

Length: 2

Type: Alpha-Numeric

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Examples of the delivery site include:

› 01: Main campus or delivery site of a TEO

› 02 - 96: Other delivery sites

› 98: Courses delivered extramurally or by distance learning

› 99: Community education courses

› Any combination of letters, for example: AA, AB

› Any combination of alpha-numeric, for example: A1, 1A

This field is mandatory.

sourceOfFunding string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2

Source of Funding

The code that identifies the source of the funding that supports the learner's enrolment in the course.

Length: 2

Type: Alpha-Numeric

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below – current funds.

1: Delivery at Levels 7 (degree) and above (DQ7Degree+) (SAC 3+ until 31/12/2022.)

2: International Fee-Paying (IFP) Students (including AUS citizens and NZ permanent residents who are residing overseas)

3: Domestic Full Fee Paying Students

5: STAR funded student

9: Prison Education (Department of Corrections)

10: Ministry of Health

12: Other (including other contracts)

13: English for Migrants (TEC only)

20: NZAID and Commonwealth Scholarships

22: Youth Guarantee Scheme

23: ACE (Adult and Community Education)

24: Trade Academies

26: Delivery at NZQCF Levels 1 and 2 (DQ1-2) (was SAC 1&2 until 31/12/022)

28: M?ori Pasifika Trades Training Level 1 and 2

29: M?ori Pasifika Trades Training Level 3 and 4

31: Non-funded confirmed student enrolments

37: Non-degree Delivery at Levels 3-7 on the NZQCF (DQ3-7)

Guidance: Select a value from the list below – historic funds.

4: TEC — Supplementary Grants/Fund

6: Training Opportunities (also includes Training for Work)

7: Youth Training - Ceased 31/12/2011; refer to Youth Guarantee

8: Skills Enhancement

11: ITO Off Job Training (Non-degree Delivery)

14: Primary Pre-service Teacher Education Contracts

15: Secondary Pre-service Teacher Education Contracts

16: Youth Action Training Programme (DWI)

25: SAC Level 1 & 2 Competitive Process Funding

27: Under 25 Fees Free Standard plan process Level 1 & 2

30: ICT Graduate Schools

32: SAC Level 3 & 4 Competitive Process Funding

33: DualPathways (Level 2-3 secondary-tertiary pilot) Funding

35: EM ACE (Emergency Management - Adult and Community Education)

36: SAR ACE (Search and Rescue - Adult and Community Education)

This field is mandatory.

residentialStatus string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 1

Residential Status

Identifies if the learner has New Zealand resident status for each enrolment.

Length: 1

Type: Character

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

Y: New Zealand Resident visa holder (excludes all New Zealand and Australian Citizens)

N: Not a New Zealand Resident visa holder (includes all New Zealand and Australian Citizens)

This field is mandatory.

australianResidentialStatus boolean REQUIRED

Australian Residential Status

Identifies if the learner has Australian permanent resident status for each enrolment.

Length: 1

Type: Character

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

Y: Australian Permanent Resident

N: Not an Australian Permanent Resident

This field is mandatory.


Type: Boolean

Guidance: Value will translate as follow

true Yes(Y)

false No (N)

fundingCategory string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2

Funding Category

The code to uniquely identify funding categories.

Note: TEOs are to use the normal funding rates for courses funded under Youth Guarantee and Trade Academies.

Length: 2

Type: Alpha-Numeric

Student Type: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the funding categories classification.

This field is mandatory.

Refer to the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

This field is mandatory.

courseClassification double REQUIRED

Course Classification

The unique subject classification for the course.

Type: Numeric (2,1)

Type of enrolment: N/A

Guidance: Select a value from course classifications.

This field is mandatory.

Course Classification is available at the TEC - Course Classification. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications appendices.

nzscedFieldOfStudy string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 6

NZSCED Field of Study

The field of study classification of the course.

Length: 6

Type: Character

Student Type: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the NZSCED classification.

This field is mandatory.

The NZSCED is available at Education Counts - New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED). They are also listed in the DXP Classifications Appendices.

courseEftsFactor double REQUIRED

Course EFTS Factor

The proportion of the total EFTS value set for the qualification that the course is deemed to represent.

Type: Numeric (1,4)

Student Type: B, C, D

Guidance: The value is expressed as a decimal rounded to four decimal places – e.g., 0.0125.

This field is mandatory.

eftsByMonth double[] REQUIRED

EFTS by Month

The portion of the course EFTS factor for each month of enrolment for all learners.

Type: Numeric (1,4)

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: The value is expressed as a decimal rounded to four decimal places – e.g., 0.0010.

The value is calculated by evenly dividing the course EFTS factor by the number of calendar months the learner is enrolled, irrespective of which day in the month the course starts or ends.

The formula is: Course EFTS factor ÷ Course Finish Month - Course Start Month (inclusive)

The calculation applies if withdrawals occur after the withdrawal period – i.e., include EFTS for learners who withdraw after one calendar month or 10% of the course duration (rounded up to the nearest whole day) or as determined by the academic board or council (refer to TEC’s Funding Information).

This field is mandatory.


Type: Numeric (1,4) Array

nationalStudentNumber int32 REQUIRED

National Student Number

A number which uniquely identifies the learner. The NSN must remain constant for the learner throughout their enrolment at your or any other organisation. The NSN is part of the NSI database system maintained by the Ministry of Education.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: This number must be the value generated by the National Student Index (NSI) for the learner.

This field is mandatory.

consortium int32


Identifies the cooperative arrangement among groups or institutions. This could be a group of tertiary education organisations (TEOs) and can include other organisations such as community groups or councils.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the Consortium data classification. Refer to the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

This field is mandatory for funding source 28 or 29.

iteSector int32

ITE Sector

Identifies the sector for a learner enrolled in Initial Teacher Education (ITE).

Note: This field is optional until 2026 and a warning will be displayed until then. From 2026 we will introduce validation rules to ensure data for these fields is provided for ITE-approved qualifications.

Type: Integer

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

1: Early Childhood

2: Primary

3: Secondary

This field is mandatory if you are reporting ITE data through SDR and the qualification NZSCED is an ITE enrolment, which includes the following.

70101: Teacher Education: Early Childhood (Pre-Service)

70103: Teacher Education: Primary (Pre-Service)

70105: Teacher Education: Secondary (Pre-Service)

70108: Teacher Education: General (Pre-Service)

70118: Bilingual Early Childhood Teacher Training (Pre-Service)

70120: Immersion Early Childhood Teacher Training (Pre-Service)

70122: Bilingual Primary Teacher Training (Pre-Service)

70124: Immersion Primary Teacher Training (Pre-Service)

70126: Bilingual Secondary Teacher Training (Pre-Service)

iteSubject string[]

ITE Subject

The specific curriculum subject areas that a learner is studying where they are enrolled in an Initial Teacher Education qualification where the ITE sector is Secondary.

Note: There are four separate fields available to capture multiple curriculum subject areas.

Note: Validations for this field will only be triggered if “3” is entered as a value for the ITE Sector field.

Length: 40

Type: Alpha-Numeric

Type of enrolment: B, C, D

Guidance: Select a value from the ITE subject classification. Up to four values can be entered. If providing multiple values, separate each value reported with a semicolon (;).

Note: At least one ITE Subject is required if 070105 (Secondary) is selected for the ITE Sector. Please provide additional values if the learner is studying multiple curriculum subject areas.

For the list of ITE subjects, refer to the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.


Type: Alpha-Numeric Array


Acknowledgement of data received

submissionToken string OPTIONAL

The valid submission token to submit data against

content object[] OPTIONAL

The submission content result.

localId string OPTIONAL
errors string[] OPTIONAL

Submission token is not found - check error code for more detail

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL
errors object OPTIONAL
returnId string OPTIONAL
submissionToken string OPTIONAL
content object OPTIONAL
errorCode string OPTIONAL

Authorization failed

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL

Concurrent Request Not Allowed - check error code for more detail

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL