localId string — REQUIREDPossible values: 1 ≤ length An integrator generated unique identifier for this item. |
courseCode string — REQUIREDPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20 Course Code The code must be able to uniquely identify a specific course in which a learner is enrolled regardless of the period, location, and year in which it is taught. The course code should be consistently reported for each course offered by the TEO. Length: 20 Type: Alpha-Numeric Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: The internal code for the course. The code should contain no reference to dates or years in which the course is taught, e.g., “ECON112”. Note: Every unique course in the course enrolment file should appear once, and once only, in the course register file. This field is mandatory. |
courseTitle string — REQUIREDPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 75 Course Title The title of the course as prescribed or published by the TEO. Length: 75 Type: Character Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: The title of the course as determined by the TEO. This field is mandatory. |
qualificationCode string — REQUIREDPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 6 Qualification Code The Qualification code relating to a quality assured qualification. The field is used to indicate: › the qualification the learner is currently enrolled in, or › a qualification that has been completed by the learner, or › a qualification for which a course has been approved for funding. Length: 6 Type of enrolment: N/A Type: Alpha-Numeric Guidance: The value should be a six alpha-numeric code as on the SDR Qualifications Register which uniquely identifies a quality assured qualification. (Note the requirements for pre-service teacher education qualifications in SDR Qualifications Register section). Non-Formal Education (TEIs only) Note that QAC of all non-formal qualification must be one of 90, 91, 97, 99. For community, continuing, and general education qualifications that are less than or equal to 40 hours of teaching use the Qualification code: G9999 and QAC code must be one of 90, 97, 99. For community, continuing, and general education qualifications that are greater than 40 hours of teaching use the Qualification code built on this model: Model: GFFSSX – Example: G48017 (where G is community; FF is field of study; SS is sub-field; X is digit 0-9) Note: Non-Formal Education is not required to be reported in the Qualification Completion file. This field is mandatory. |
courseClassification double — REQUIREDCourse Classification A four-character code to uniquely group courses into subject classifications. Type: Numeric (2,1) Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: Select a value from course classifications. This field is mandatory. Course Classification is available at the TEC - Course Classification. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications appendices. |
nzscedFieldOfStudy string — REQUIREDPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 6 NZSCED Field of Study Field of study classification of courses and qualifications. Length: 6 Type: Character Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: Select a value from the NZSCED classification. This field is mandatory. The NZSCED is available at Education Counts – New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED). They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices. |
levelOnTheNzQualificationsAndCredentialsFramework int32 — REQUIREDLevel on the NZ Qualifications and Credentials Framework The level of credits on the NZ Qualifications and Credentials Framework contained in a course or paper contributing to a qualification registered on the NZQCF. Type: Integer Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: Select a value from the list below. 1: Level 1 – Certificates 2: Level 2 – Certificates 3: Level 3 – Certificates 4: Level 4 – Certificates 5: Level 5 – Certificates / Diplomas 6: Level 6 – Certificates / Diplomas 7: Level 7 – Bachelor’s degrees, Graduate Certificates/Diplomas, Certificates/Diplomas 8: Level 8 – Bachelor’s with honours degrees, Postgraduate Certificates/Diplomas 9: Level 9 – Master’s Degrees 0: Level 10 – Doctoral Degree This field is mandatory. |
credit int32 — REQUIREDCredit The number of credits on the NZ Qualifications and Credentials Framework contained in a course or paper contributing to a qualification registered on the NZQCF. Type: Integer Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: Enter a value between 0 and 240 inclusive. This field is mandatory. |
fundingCategory string — REQUIREDPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2 Funding Category The code to uniquely identify funding categories. Note: TEOs are to use the normal funding rates for courses funded under Youth Guarantee and Trade Academies. Length: 2 Type: Alpha-Numeric Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: Select a value from the funding categories classification. This field is mandatory. Refer to the DXP Data Classifications Appendices. |
courseEftsFactor double — REQUIREDCourse EFTS Factor The proportion of the total EFTS value set for the qualification that the course is deemed to represent. Type: Numeric (1,4) Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: Guidance: The value is expressed as a decimal rounded to four decimal places – e.g., 0.125. This field is mandatory. |
courseTuitionFee double — REQUIREDCourse Tuition Fee The standard fee that domestic learners normally pay for tuition and costs associated with enrolment in a course. Note: The validations for Annual Maximum Fee Movement and benchmark fee are assessed by TEC Customer Contact Group when the course changes are assessed. Type: Numeric (8,2) Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: Enter the dollar value with two decimal places, including GST. This field is mandatory. |
pbrfEligibleCourseIndicator string — REQUIREDPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 1 PBRF Eligible Course Indicator Indicates courses that are eligible for Performance Based Research Fund (PBRF) i.e., they are wholly research based and meet TEC’s PBRF policy guidelines, which are detailed on web page via the following link: Performance Based Research Fund Distinction is made in this field between Master’s or Doctorate courses and part-time courses. Length: 1 Type: Character Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: Select a value from the list below. M: Masters (greater than 0.75 EFTS) D: Doctorate (greater than 0.75 EFTS) L: Part-time Masters C: Part-time Doctorate X: Not PBRF Eligible This field is mandatory. |
tuitionFeePaidByInternationalFeePayingStudent doubleTuition Fee Paid by International Fee-Paying Student The tuition fee charged to an international learner. For the purposes of the Export Education Levy and the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students; ‘international student’ is defined as any learner that is not a ‘domestic student’. For a definition of ‘domestic student’ refer to the Fund Finder on the TEC website for more information. Type: Numeric (8,2) Type of enrolment: B, C, D Guidance: Enter the New Zealand dollar value with two decimal places, excluding GST. Applies to All ‘onshore’ international fee-paying learner with learner types B, C or D determined by: › Intramural/Extramural Attendance is 1 or 2and › Source of Funding is 02 or Source of Funding is 01 and › Category of Fees Assessment for International Students for each enrolment is 06. The fee should always exceed the tuition fee charged to a domestic learner. The foreign tuition fee in addition to all the normal domestic tuition costs must also include: › the costs of sale such as agents’ fees and marketing › the cost of the Export Education Levy. Additional compulsory course costs are not included in the tuition fee. Tuition fee must be reported on either the Learner File or the Course Register File, but not on both. |
compulsoryCourseCostsFee double — REQUIREDCompulsory Course Costs Fee The compulsory course costs fee that are charged to all learners enrolled in a course, which includes (but are not limited to) any compulsory costs associated with enrolment, examinations (including reporting of credits to the NZQA), field trips, and any compulsory purchase of equipment or books through the TEO. The compulsory course costs fee excludes any administrative fees or charges (other than tuition fees of compulsory course costs) for additional services that are payable because of the specific circumstances of a learner, which includes (but are not limited to) the following: › reassessment or remarking of examination results › examination relocation fees › fees associated with recognition of prior learning › fees associated with an application for selected entry programmes. Type: Numeric (8,2) Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: Enter the dollar value with two decimal places, including GST. This field is mandatory. |
courseExemptionFromAmfm int32Course Exemption from AMFM An indication against any course that has been granted an exemption including the 2% AMFM (Annual Maximum Fee Movement) and professional masters Type: Integer Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: Select a value from the list below. 1: Course has been granted exemption from AMFM 2: Course has no exemption from AMFM The Course will automatically be exempt from AMFM if #5.1 (Adult and Community Education). |
discountedCourseTuitionFee doubleDiscounted Course Tuition Fee The discounted course tuition fee charged to domestic learners who enrol in the course. Reporting this value is in line with the 2024 Fee Regulation Settings which allows providers to temporarily reduce fees, while still maintaining potential annual increases under the AMFM. Refer to TEC’s website, the Funding Conditions, or the Gazette notice for more detail. Type: Numeric (8,2) Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: Enter the dollar value with two decimal places, including GST. Only use this field if you offer discounted tuition fees for this course to any learner. Enter the discounted Course Tuition Fee when setting up the course if known. Otherwise leave blank. |
discountedCompulsoryCourseCostsFee doubleDiscounted Compulsory Course Costs Fee The discounted course fee charged to domestic learners who enrol in the course. Reporting this value is in line with the 2024 Fee Regulation Settings which allows providers to temporarily reduce fees, while still maintaining potential annual increases under the AMFM. Refer to TEC’s website, the Funding Conditions, or the Gazette notice for more detail. Type: Numeric (8,2) Type of enrolment: N/A Guidance: Enter the dollar value with two decimal places, including GST. Only use this field if you offer discounted compulsory course costs fees for this course to any learner. Enter the discounted Compulsory Course Cost Fee when setting up the course if known. Otherwise leave blank. |