Create a Learner
Create a Learner
Header Parameters |
EID string — REQUIREDEnter the EDUMIS (Organisation) ID |
Request Body | |||||||
learnerLocalId string — REQUIREDPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20 Learner Local ID A code which uniquely identifies the learner within each TEO, as captured in a TEO’s TMS system. The Learner Local ID must remain constant for the learner throughout their enrolment history at your organisation. Length: 20 Type: String Guidance: This number must be the unique value generated by each TEO via their TMS. | |||||||
identity object — REQUIRED
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irdNumber stringPossible values: length ≤ 11 IrdNumber A code to identify the IrdNumber of a learner. Length: 11 Type: String Guidance: IRD numbers are either eight or nine digits with dashes e.g., 123-456-789. Please enter leading zero in the first box if your IRD number is only 8 digits. only provide an IRD number for a learner may meet the eligibility criteria for Fees Free at the time of enrolment. However, in situations where you know they are not eligible, you will not need to collect their IRD number.For example, where a learner: has received a Fees Free entitlement previously (e.g.first-year Fees Free) is not studying an eligible programme does not meet prior study criteria | |||||||
demographics object — REQUIRED
| |||||||
educationHistory object — REQUIRED
Responses | |||||||||||||||||||||||
201 The operation returned successfully and a new resource was created.
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400 Bad request. Check errors and codes for more detail.
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401 Unauthorized
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429 Rate Limiting may apply. Refer to Retry-After header