Create Training Agreement
Create Training Agreement
Header Parameters |
EID string — REQUIREDEnter the EDUMIS (Organisation) ID |
Request Body | |||||||||||
learnerLocalId string — REQUIREDPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20 Learner Local ID A code which uniquely identifies the learner within each TEO, as captured in a TEO’s TMS system. The Learner Local ID must remain constant for the learner throughout their enrolment history at your organisation. Note: This field has been renamed from ‘Local ID’ to ‘Learner Local ID’ Length: 20 Type: String Guidance: This number must be the unique value generated by each TEO via their TMS. Both ‘Learner Identification Code’ and ‘Learner Local ID’ cannot both be NULL. | |||||||||||
trainingAgreementLocalId string — REQUIREDPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20 Training Agreement Local ID A unique identifier issued by the TEO that identifies the training agreement between the TEO, employer, and learner for a specific training agreement signed date Length: 20 Type: String Guidance: A programme enrolment must also exist and be submitted with any new training agreement. | |||||||||||
trainingAgreement object
Responses | |||||||||||||||||||||||
201 The operation returned successfully and a new resource was created.
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400 Bad request. Check errors and codes for more detail.
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401 Unauthorized
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429 Rate Limiting may apply. Refer to Retry-After header