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Create Training Agreement

Create Training Agreement

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Enter the EDUMIS (Organisation) ID

Request Body
learnerLocalId string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Learner Local ID

A code which uniquely identifies the learner within each TEO, as captured in a TEO’s TMS system.

The Learner Local ID must remain constant for the learner throughout their enrolment history at your organisation.

Note: This field has been renamed from ‘Local ID’ to ‘Learner Local ID’

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: This number must be the unique value generated by each TEO via their TMS.

Both ‘Learner Identification Code’ and ‘Learner Local ID’ cannot both be NULL.

trainingAgreementLocalId string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Training Agreement Local ID

A unique identifier issued by the TEO that identifies the training agreement between the TEO, employer, and learner for a specific training agreement signed date

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: A programme enrolment must also exist and be submitted with any new training agreement.

trainingAgreement object
employerNzbn string

Employer NZBN

The New Zealand Business Number issued by GS1 New Zealand to the organisation the learner is employed with. This field helps to identify an employer.

Type: String

Guidance: Enter your NZBN if applicable.

employerName string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 255

Employer Name

The name of the employer. Must be the legal name of the organisation that is employing the learner. Where the employer has multiple sites, this must be the name the parent or head office is known by.

Length: 255

Type: String


Must be the legal name of the organisation that is employing the learner. Where the employer has multiple sites, this must be the name the parent or head office is known by.

employerSubdivisionName string

Possible values: length ≤ 255

Employer Subdivision Name

The name of the subdivision a learner is working for where the employer has multiple sites.

Length: 255

Type: String

Guidance: Enter in the name of the subdivision if known or applicable.

employmentRegionCode int32 REQUIRED

Employment Region Code

A code defined by Statistics New Zealand that identifies the Region the Learner’s place of employment is located in.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Select a value from the Statistics New Zealand Regional Council (Generalised) 2023 classification.

The Region classification is available at NZ Statistics: Regional Council (Generalised) 2023. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

employmentTerritorialAuthorityCode int32 REQUIRED

Employment Territorial Authority Code

A code defined by Statistics New Zealand that identifies the Territorial Authority the Learner’s place of employment is located in.

This is a new field that will provide a lower level of detail on where learners are employed.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Select a value from the Statistics New Zealand Territorial Authority (Generalised) 2023 classification.

Note: There is only a single Territorial Authority Code for Auckland. There is no further breakdown of geography within the Auckland Territorial Authority area.

The Territorial Authority classification is available at NZ Statistics: Territorial Authority (Generalised) 2023. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

employmentTypeCode string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 3

Employment Type Code

A code that identifies the nature of the learners’ employment relationship with their employer.

Length: 3

Type: String

Guidance: Select a value from the list below:

E: Employee

SS: State Sector

V: Volunteer

SE: Self Employed.

employerIndustryCode string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Employer Industry Code

Each programme must identify the industry or industries the programme is intended for.

Employer Industry Code (ANZSIC) is defined by Statistics New Zealand and identifies the industry the learner is primarily working in.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: Select a value from the Statistics NZ Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 V1.0.0 level 4 list for your organisation.

Note: Please select the most appropriate value as only one value is required. The value selected can be different to that on the Programme.

The Industrial classification is available at NZ Statistics: Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 V1.0.0. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

learnerOccupationCode string REQUIRED

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Learner Occupation Code

Each training agreement must identify the occupation of the learner.

Learner Occupation Code is defined by the TEC and identifies the occupancy the learner is primarily working in.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: Select a value from the TEC Occupation classification list for your organisation.

Note: Please select the most appropriate value as only one value is required. The value selected can be different to that on the Programme.

The occupation classifications are listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

moeExemptionNumber string

Possible values: length ≤ 20

MoE Exemption Number

If a learner is 15 years of age, they are normally required to be enrolled in secondary education. This element captures a reference number provided by the MOE that identifies an exemption they have granted to a learner to not be in secondary education.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: MOE Exemption Number must be supplied if learner is 15 years old at time of signing the training agreement.

trainingAgreementSignedDate date REQUIRED

Training Agreement Signed Date

Date the Training Agreement was signed by the learner, employer and TEO.

Type: Date

Guidance: 2024-04-08

You must use ISO-8601 for your dates.

Use the last date the Training Agreement was signed.

Training Agreement Signed Date must be on or before the processing date.

The learner must be over 16 years old at date the training agreement is signed unless the MOE Exemption Code is supplied.

Training Agreement Signed Date must be no older than 120 days from today.

If the Training Agreement is the product of an Employer transfer, then the Training Agreement Signed Date of the new Training Agreement must be after the Training Agreement Signed Date of the previous Training Agreement.

Also, the new Training Agreement Signed Date must be at least one day after any preceding GRACE status for the previous Training Agreement.

endDate date

Training Agreement End Date

Type: Date

Guidance: 2024-04-08

You must use ISO-8601 for your dates.


The operation returned successfully and a new resource was created.

learnerLocalId string OPTIONAL

Possible values: length ≤ 20

Learner Local ID

A code which uniquely identifies the learner within each TEO, as captured in a TEO’s TMS system.

The Learner Local ID must remain constant for the learner throughout their enrolment history at your organisation.

Note: This field has been renamed from ‘Local ID’ to ‘Learner Local ID’

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: This number must be the unique value generated by each TEO via their TMS.

Both ‘Learner Identification Code’ and ‘Learner Local ID’ cannot both be NULL.

trainingAgreementLocalId string OPTIONAL

Possible values: length ≤ 20

Training Agreement Local ID

A unique identifier issued by the TEO that identifies the training agreement between the TEO, employer, and learner for a specific training agreement signed date

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: A programme enrolment must also exist and be submitted with any new training agreement.

trainingAgreement object OPTIONAL
employerNzbn string OPTIONAL

Employer NZBN

The New Zealand Business Number issued by GS1 New Zealand to the organisation the learner is employed with. This field helps to identify an employer.

Type: String

Guidance: Enter your NZBN if applicable.

employerName string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 255

Employer Name

The name of the employer. Must be the legal name of the organisation that is employing the learner. Where the employer has multiple sites, this must be the name the parent or head office is known by.

Length: 255

Type: String


Must be the legal name of the organisation that is employing the learner. Where the employer has multiple sites, this must be the name the parent or head office is known by.

employerSubdivisionName string OPTIONAL

Possible values: length ≤ 255

Employer Subdivision Name

The name of the subdivision a learner is working for where the employer has multiple sites.

Length: 255

Type: String

Guidance: Enter in the name of the subdivision if known or applicable.

employmentRegionCode int32

Employment Region Code

A code defined by Statistics New Zealand that identifies the Region the Learner’s place of employment is located in.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Select a value from the Statistics New Zealand Regional Council (Generalised) 2023 classification.

The Region classification is available at NZ Statistics: Regional Council (Generalised) 2023. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

employmentTerritorialAuthorityCode int32

Employment Territorial Authority Code

A code defined by Statistics New Zealand that identifies the Territorial Authority the Learner’s place of employment is located in.

This is a new field that will provide a lower level of detail on where learners are employed.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Select a value from the Statistics New Zealand Territorial Authority (Generalised) 2023 classification.

Note: There is only a single Territorial Authority Code for Auckland. There is no further breakdown of geography within the Auckland Territorial Authority area.

The Territorial Authority classification is available at NZ Statistics: Territorial Authority (Generalised) 2023. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

employmentTypeCode string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 3

Employment Type Code

A code that identifies the nature of the learners’ employment relationship with their employer.

Length: 3

Type: String

Guidance: Select a value from the list below:

E: Employee

SS: State Sector

V: Volunteer

SE: Self Employed.

employerIndustryCode string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Employer Industry Code

Each programme must identify the industry or industries the programme is intended for.

Employer Industry Code (ANZSIC) is defined by Statistics New Zealand and identifies the industry the learner is primarily working in.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: Select a value from the Statistics NZ Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 V1.0.0 level 4 list for your organisation.

Note: Please select the most appropriate value as only one value is required. The value selected can be different to that on the Programme.

The Industrial classification is available at NZ Statistics: Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 V1.0.0. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

learnerOccupationCode string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Learner Occupation Code

Each training agreement must identify the occupation of the learner.

Learner Occupation Code is defined by the TEC and identifies the occupancy the learner is primarily working in.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: Select a value from the TEC Occupation classification list for your organisation.

Note: Please select the most appropriate value as only one value is required. The value selected can be different to that on the Programme.

The occupation classifications are listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

moeExemptionNumber string OPTIONAL

Possible values: length ≤ 20

MoE Exemption Number

If a learner is 15 years of age, they are normally required to be enrolled in secondary education. This element captures a reference number provided by the MOE that identifies an exemption they have granted to a learner to not be in secondary education.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: MOE Exemption Number must be supplied if learner is 15 years old at time of signing the training agreement.

trainingAgreementSignedDate date

Training Agreement Signed Date

Date the Training Agreement was signed by the learner, employer and TEO.

Type: Date

Guidance: 2024-04-08

You must use ISO-8601 for your dates.

Use the last date the Training Agreement was signed.

Training Agreement Signed Date must be on or before the processing date.

The learner must be over 16 years old at date the training agreement is signed unless the MOE Exemption Code is supplied.

Training Agreement Signed Date must be no older than 120 days from today.

If the Training Agreement is the product of an Employer transfer, then the Training Agreement Signed Date of the new Training Agreement must be after the Training Agreement Signed Date of the previous Training Agreement.

Also, the new Training Agreement Signed Date must be at least one day after any preceding GRACE status for the previous Training Agreement.

endDate date OPTIONAL

Training Agreement End Date

Type: Date

Guidance: 2024-04-08

You must use ISO-8601 for your dates.

originalTrainingAgreementSignedDate date OPTIONAL

Original Training Agreement Signed Date

Date the Training Agreement was originally signed by the learner, employer and TEO.

Type: Date

restartDate date OPTIONAL

Restart Date

The date on which the Training Agreement is restarted.

Type: Date

Guidance: 2024-04-08

You must use ISO-8601 for your dates.

Status Change Date must be before or equal to today. Status Change Date must be after the Training Agreement Signed Date.

When restarting a Training Agreement from being on ‘Hold’. The ‘Restart’ date must be on or after the date on which the training agreement went on hold.

pauseDate date OPTIONAL

Pause Date

The date on which the Training Agreement is paused.

Type: Date

Guidance: 2024-04-08

You must use ISO-8601 for your dates.

Status Change Date must be before or equal to today. Status Change Date must be after the Training Agreement Signed Date.

Status can be backdated a maximum of three months from the current date. Completions are excluded from this limitation and any backdated events stemming from the receipt of a completion from NZQA can be applied beyond the three-month limit.

graceReasonCode string OPTIONAL

Possible values: length ≤ 2

Grace Reason Code

Identifies why a Training Agreement has been place in GRACE

Length: 2

Type: Character

Guidance: A reason code must be provided if status code is GRACE. Please select one of the reason codes below.

Reason Code: Description

LE: Loss of employment

DM: Dismissal

RD: Redundancy

onHoldReasonCode string OPTIONAL

Possible values: length ≤ 2

On Hold Reason Code

Identifies why a Training Agreement has moved into either a HOLD or GRACE

Length: 2

Type: Character

Guidance: A reason code must be provided if status code is HOLD. Please select one of the reason codes below.

Reason Code: Description

SW: Seasonal work

PL: Parental leave

OV: Overseas travel

MD: Medical/ACC

CI: Attending correctional institution

OT: Other

ST: Stop training (still with employer)

WE: Work Experience

withdrawalDate date OPTIONAL

Withdrawal Date

Date on which learner withdrew from their Training Agreement

Type: Date

Guidance: 2024-04-08

You must use ISO-8601 for your dates.

An TEO can withdraw a training agreement when the agreement between the learner, employer and TEO ceases before the related enrolments are complete.

The effect of withdrawing a training agreement is to withdraw all enrolments within the agreement that are not complete or withdrawn.

Training Agreement must have a status of “Pending”, “Active”, “Hold” or “Grace” to be withdrawn.

Withdrawal date must be on or after the Training Agreement Signed Date.

Withdrawal date must be before or equal to today.

Withdrawal date must be on or after the latest participation start date.

withdrawalReasonCode string OPTIONAL

Possible values: length ≤ 3

Withdrawal Reason Code

Identifies the reason why the learner withdrew from their Training Agreement

Length: 3

Type: Character

Guidance: A reason code must be supplied if a withdrawal date is supplied. Select a value from the list below:

BC: Business closed

BD: Business downturn

CC: Change in career choice

AP: Changing from Industry Trainee to Apprentice

PT: Changing from Apprentice to Industry Trainee

CP: Change of programme

DC: Deceased

DS: Dissatisfied with employer/industry

EW: Exiting the workforce

LS: Lack of employer support

LA: Length of apprenticeship

LI: Linked Enrolment

NF: Non-payment of fee

OT: Other

OD: Over programme duration

PC: Parental commitment

ST: Stop Training (still with employer)

TI: Transfer TEO

LE: Loss of Employment

trainingAgreementStatus string OPTIONAL

Possible values: length ≤ 20

Training Agreement Status

A code which identifies the status of the Training Agreement.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: Valid status values are below:

Pending: A Training Agreement is set to Pending if it has been created for an NZA.

Active: Learner is actively participating and engaged in their work-based programme. Associated enrolments that are not “Completed” or “Withdrawn” will accrue EFTS.

Grace: TEO helps the learner to complete the programme or obtain another job. Associated enrolments that are not “Completed” or “Withdrawn” will accrue EFTS.

Hold: An TEO may place a learner on hold if the learner is not actively training but intends to return to training within a short period of time. Placing a training agreement on hold means that all associated enrolments will no longer accrue EFTS.


Bad request. Check errors and codes for more detail.

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL
errors object OPTIONAL


type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL
errors object OPTIONAL

Rate Limiting may apply. Refer to Retry-After header

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL