Withdraw Training Agreement
Withdraw Training Agreement
Path Parameters |
trainingAgreementLocalId string — REQUIRED |
Header Parameters |
EID string — REQUIREDEnter the EDUMIS (Organisation) ID |
Request Body |
withdrawalDate date — REQUIREDWithdrawal Date Date on which learner withdrew from their Training Agreement Type: Date Guidance: 2024-04-08 You must use ISO-8601 for your dates. An TEO can withdraw a training agreement when the agreement between the learner, employer and TEO ceases before the related enrolments are complete. The effect of withdrawing a training agreement is to withdraw all enrolments within the agreement that are not complete or withdrawn. Training Agreement must have a status of “Pending”, “Active”, “Hold” or “Grace” to be withdrawn. Withdrawal date must be on or after the Training Agreement Signed Date. Withdrawal date must be before or equal to today. Withdrawal date must be on or after the latest participation start date. |
withdrawalReasonCode string — REQUIREDPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 3 Withdrawal Reason Code Identifies the reason why the learner withdrew from their Training Agreement Length: 3 Type: Character Guidance: A reason code must be supplied if a withdrawal date is supplied. Select a value from the list below: BC: Business closed BD: Business downturn CC: Change in career choice AP: Changing from Industry Trainee to Apprentice PT: Changing from Apprentice to Industry Trainee CP: Change of programme DC: Deceased DS: Dissatisfied with employer/industry EW: Exiting the workforce LS: Lack of employer support LA: Length of apprenticeship LI: Linked Enrolment NF: Non-payment of fee OT: Other OD: Over programme duration PC: Parental commitment ST: Stop Training (still with employer) TI: Transfer TEO LE: Loss of Employment GE: Grace period automatically expired by system |
Responses | |||||||
200 The operation returned successfully.
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400 Bad request. Check errors and codes for more detail.
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401 Unauthorized
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429 Rate Limiting may apply. Refer to Retry-After header