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API Error Codes

The following error codes (not http status code) can be returned in an error response on the errorCodes property. It is encouraged that you check these error codes and use them to inform the action to take.

Error CodeDescriptionNotes
AM1EID header is not a number or some other errorEnsure that a numeric EID header is supplied
AM2EID header is missingEnsure that a numeric EID header is supplied
AU1Authentication failedThe machine account is incorrectly configured. Please contact your admin
AU2Authentication failedToken or ESL Fault
CV1Payload does not match schemaEnsure that the payload matches the json schema
DS1Request prevented by already running request for EID/DatasetOnly make 1 request per EID/Dataset at a time
DS2Request prevented by already running request for EID/DatasetOnly make 1 request per EID/Dataset at a time
DS3Request prevented by already running request for EID/DatasetOnly make 1 request per EID/Dataset at a time
GM1Compressed payload stream could not be readClient gzip/compression related
MP1Payload exceeded maximum allowed number of recordsLimit payload to the number indicated in the token response
PR1Pagination property is less than 0Ensure pagination properties are correct
PR2Pagination page request is outside available dataEnsure pagination properties are correct
R1Bad reference yearEnsure that the reference year is within reasonable bounds.
SC1The submission token for the EID can not be foundThere is no record for submission token/EID combination, Request a new token for the return period
SC10The submission token for the EID can not be foundThere is no record for submission token/EID combination, Request a new token for the return period
SC2The submission token for the EID can not be foundThere is no record for submission token/EID combination, Request a new token for the return period
SC3The submission token for the EID can not be foundThere is no record for submission token/EID combination, Request a new token for the return period
SC4The submission token for the EID can not be foundThere is no record for submission token/EID combination, Request a new token for the return period
SC5The submission token for the EID can not be foundThere is no record for submission token/EID combination, Request a new token for the return period
SC6The submission token for the EID can not be foundThere is no record for submission token/EID combination, Request a new token for the return period
SC7The submission token for the EID can not be foundThere is no record for submission token/EID combination, Request a new token for the return period
SC8The submission token for the EID can not be foundThere is no record for submission token/EID combination, Request a new token for the return period
SC9The submission token for the EID can not be foundThere is no record for submission token/EID combination, Request a new token for the return period
SS1The submission token has expiredRequest a new token for the return period
SS2The submission extension has expiredContact TEC
SS3The return period associated with the token is invalidEnsure that the return period id is correct
SS4No return period for the given idEnsure that the return period id is correct
SS5Can not validate without uploading recordsUpload at least 1 record to perform validation
SS6Can not validate without uploading records for each datasetUpload at least 1 record for each dataset
SS7The submission token for the EID can not be foundThere is no record for submission token/EID combination, Request a new token for the return period
SS8Validation prevented by submission statusSubmission must not be queued or processing to request validation
SS9Action prevented by submission statusSubmission must not be queued or processing to request action
U1EID header is 0 or emptyEnsure that a numeric EID header is supplied
U2EID header is not a number or some other errorEnsure that a numeric EID header is supplied
U3Authorization header is not set correctlyEnsure that the Authorization header is set with a Bearer value
UC1The user can not be found, ensure the current user has been registeredEnsure that the user has been registered