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Rate Limiting

General Rate Limiting

All endpoints are subject to fair usage rate limiting, which may be applied without warning.

All endpoints subject to rate limiting are notated with a 429 response code in the OpenApi schema. It is the responsibility of the integrator to handle these scenarios.

All 429 responses will be accompanied by a Retry-After header which indicates the number of seconds to wait before retrying.

It is recommended that integrators expect to receive 429 rate limiting signals and adjust behaviour accordingly.

Concurrent Rate Limiting

Specifc rate limiting rules apply to data modification requests such as upload and delete operations.

Only one requests at a time is permitted per EID header and dataset (ie learners, courses etc) update and delete operations.

When more than one request is made per EID header/dataset, all requests other than the first received will be rejected with a 429 response. An immediate rety is permitted.