enrolmentLocalId stringPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20 Programme Enrolment Local ID A unique number issued by the TEO that identifies the programme enrolment within their system. Length: 20 Type: String Guidance: Must not be used to identify any other enrolment supplied by the TEO, regardless of enrolment status. Note: this does not include DELETED enrolments. Updates to any programme enrolment column cannot be made if programme enrolment status is Withdrawn or Completed. |
fundingSourceTypeCode stringPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2 Funding Source Type Code The code that identifies the source of the funding that supports the learner's enrolment in the programme. This is the same list of funding source codes as used for reporting Provider-based learning, except only funding source code 37 is applicable for work-based. Length: 2 Type: Alpha-Numeric Guidance: Select a value from the list below. 37: Non-degree Delivery at Levels 3-7 on the NZQCF (DQ3-7) For complex arrangements the funding source code of the sub-enrolments must match the funding source code of the parent enrolment. |
modeOfDeliveryCode int32Mode of Delivery Code The channel through which learning is delivered. This field is required for the purpose of funding determination and for identifying how work-based learning is delivered. Type: Integer Guidance: Select from one of the values below. 24: Work-based 25: Work-based: Pathway to work 26: Assessment and Verification The programme enrolment’s mode of delivery must match the associated programme’s mode of delivery for ‘Assessment and Verification’. For complex arrangements, the mode of delivery of sub-programme enrolments must match the mode of delivery of the over-arching programme enrolment. |
participationStartDate dateParticipation Start Date The date the learner started learning or training. Type: Date Guidance: 2024-04-08 You must use ISO-8601 for your dates. Participation Start date must be on or after the Enrolment date. For NZAs the participation start date must be the same as the Training Plan Start Date. For sub-programmes, the sub-programme participation start date must be on or after the participation start date of the overarching programme enrolment participation start date. If the TEO needs to change the participation start date, they will need to withdraw the enrolment and create a new enrolment. |
programmeId objectprogrammeNumber int32Programme Number A number issued by TEC that uniquely identifies a programme. Type: Integer Guidance: A TEO cannot have multiple programmes with the same Program Number and Version. | programmeVersionNumber int32Programme Version Number A number issued by TEC that identifies a version of a programme. Type: Integer Guidance: A TEO cannot have multiple programmes with the same Program Number and Version. |
components object[]components Type: Component array mandatoryComponentIndicator boolean — OPTIONALMandatory Component Indicator Identifies whether the learner must have achieved the standard to complete the programme. Type: Boolean Guidance: Select a value from the list below: True: Mandatory False: Optional | componentId object — OPTIONALcomponentNumber stringPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20 Component Number Unique identifier of the component that the learner has enrolled in. Length: 20 Type: String Guidance: This is the Unit Standard number or the Skill Standard number. The Component and its version must exist for the programme and be active at the Participation Start Date. The enrolment for the component and its version is unique across any active enrolments for this learner and TEO. For complex arrangements the component should only be reported on one enrolment. The component and its version must not match a component on the learner’s RoA achieved before the Participation Start Date, unless the component also exists after the Participation Start Date, and it must be paid at NZQA. No Component and its version may exist on any previous enrolments for this learner and TEO where the enrolment status is “Active”, “Pending”, “Hold”, “Grace”, or “completed”, unless the component and its version is withdrawn from the learner’s RoA. Component and its version must not match an invalid component on the learner’s RoA. For SCP and LCP there must be at least one component supplied. | componentVersionNumber int32Component Version Number Unique identifier of the component that the learner has enrolled in. Type: Integer Guidance: This is the version number of the Unit Standard or the Skill Standard. |
| componentTypeCode int32 — OPTIONALComponent Type Code Identifies the type of component the learner has enrolled in. This field is required to identify the type of component the enrolment is associated with. There is more than one type of component a programme can compose of. Note: NZQA are numbering Skill Standards from 40000 to differentiate them form Unit Standard. Type: Integer Guidance: Select a value from the list below: 1: Unit Standard 2: Skill Standard |
enrolmentDate date — OPTIONALEnrolment Date The date the learner became enrolled on the programme. This may be different from the date that learner started training or learning. Type: Date Guidance: 2024-04-08 You must use ISO-8601 for your dates. Enrolment date must be on or after the training agreement signed date. For sub-enrolments, the sub-programme enrolment date must be on or after the overarching programme enrolment date. |
enrolmentStatus string — OPTIONALEnrolment Status A code which identifies the status of the Programme Enrolment. DXP will derive the Programme Enrolment Status based on the business rules outlined in the ‘programme enrolment statuses’ section above. Length: 20 Type: String Guidance: Valid status values are below: Pending: A Programme Enrolment is set to Pending if created for an NZA. Active: Learner is actively participating and engaged in their work-based programme. Only programme enrolments with a status of Active or Grace will accrue EFTS. Hold: An TEO may place a learner on hold if the learner is not actively training but intends to return to training within a short period of time. Placing a training agreement on hold means that all associated enrolments will no longer accrue EFTS. Grace: TEO helps the learner to complete the programme or obtain another job. Associated enrolments that are not “Completed” or “Withdrawn” will accrue EFTS. Withdrawn: A Learner has withdrawn from their programme enrolment. Completed: Learner has completed their programme enrolment. |
learnerLocalId string — OPTIONALLearner Local ID A code which uniquely identifies the learner within each TEO, as captured in a TEO’s TMS system. The Learner Local ID must remain constant for the learner throughout their enrolment history at your organisation. Length: 20 Type: String Guidance: This number must be the unique value generated by each TEO via their TMS. Both ‘Learner Identification Code’ and ‘Learner Local ID’ cannot both be NULL. |
trainingAgreementLocalId string — OPTIONALTraining Agreement Local ID A unique number issued by the TEO that Identifies the training agreement that the Training Plan relates. Length: 20 Type: String Guidance: Training Agreement Status cannot be ‘Finished’. There must be a matching training agreement for this learner and TEO within DXP. The same Training Agreement ID must be applied against all relevant sub-programme and over-arching programme enrolments. |
studyTypeCode string — OPTIONALStudy Type Code Unique identifier of the type of learning. This field is required to identify whether learner is taking an Industry Training programme or an NZA. Length: 3 Type: Character Guidance: Select a value from the list below. NZA: New Zealand Apprenticeship IT: Industry Training › Where the value supplied = ’NZA’ the learner cannot have any other “Active”, “Pending”, “Hold”, or “Grace” NZA enrolments at any TEO. › Where the Study Type Code is ‘NZA’ the Participation Start Date cannot be before 1st Jan 2014. For complex arrangements, all sub-programmes and parent programme enrolments must have the same Study Type Code. |
residentialStatus boolean — OPTIONALResidential Status Identifies if the Learner has New Zealand resident status for each enrolment. Note: · TEOs should update residential status when a change occurs · TEC will date stamp the receipt of an update for validation and reporting requirements · There is no backdating of this field Length: 1 Type: Boolean Guidance: Select a value from the list below. Y: New Zealand Resident visa holder (Excludes all New Zealand and Australian Citizens) N: Not a New Zealand Resident visa holder (Includes all New Zealand and Australian Citizens) For complex arrangements, the residential status of the sub-enrolment(s) must be the same as the residential status of the parent programme enrolment. |
australianResidentialStatus boolean — OPTIONALAustralian Residential Status Identifies if the Learner has Australian permanent resident status for each enrolment. Note: · TEOs should update residential status when a change occurs · TEC will date stamp the receipt of an update for validation and reporting requirements · There is no backdating of this field Length: 1 Type: Boolean Guidance: Select a value from the list below. Y: Australian Permanent Resident N: Not an Australian Permanent Resident For complex arrangements, the Australian Residential Status of the sub-enrolment(s) must be the same as the Australian Residential Status of the parent programme enrolment. |
complexEnrolmentParentLocalId string — OPTIONALComplex Enrolment Parent Local ID The Programme Enrolment Local ID of the parent programme. Programme Enrolment Local ID is a unique number issued by the TEO that identifies the programme enrolment within their system. Length: 20 Type: String Guidance: The programme associated with the parent programme enrolment local ID must be valid for a complex arrangement. Where the programme enrolment is a simple enrolment then leave this field blank. |
transferDate date — OPTIONALTransfer Date Date the transfer became effective Type: Date Guidance: 2024-04-08 You must use ISO-8601 for your dates. Transfer date must be after the participation start date, and where multiple transfers exist, the transfer date must be on or after the latest transfer date. Latest Transfer Date represents the date the enrolment was last transferred to a different programme version. |
withdrawalDate date — OPTIONALWithdrawal Date The date the withdrawal is effective. Type: Date Guidance: 2024-04-08 You must use ISO-8601 for your dates. A withdrawal cannot be applied to an enrolment where status is ‘Completed’, but can be ‘Active’, ‘Hold’, ‘Grace’, ’Pending’ or ‘Withdrawn’. If learner is enrolled in a complex programme, only the parent enrolment can be withdrawn. DXP won’t allow sub-programme enrolments to be withdrawn. Withdrawal date must be after the Enrolment participation start date, must be before or equal to today, and must be on or before the current withdrawal date (if one already exists in DXP for this programme enrolment). |
withdrawalReasonCode string — OPTIONALWithdrawal Reason Code A code that identifies the reason why a training agreement is being withdrawn. Length: 2 Type: Character Guidance: Select a value from the list below. Value: Description BC: Business closed BD: Business downturn CC: Change in career choice AP: Changing from Industry Trainee to Apprentice PT: Changing from Apprentice to Industry Trainee CP: Change of programme DC: Deceased DS: Dissatisfied with employer/industry EW: Exiting the workforce LS: Lack of employer support LA: Length of apprenticeship LI: Linked Enrolment NF: Non-payment of fee OT: Other OD: Over programme duration PC: Parental commitment |
deletionReason string — OPTIONALEnrolment Deletion Reason Code identifying the reason for the programme enrolment deletion. Length: 2 Type: Character Guidance: Select a value from the list below. ID: Programme enrolment contained an incorrect participation start date IE: Programme enrolment was invalid IS: Programme enrolment has incorrect status in DXP OT: Other This field is required when a ‘Deletion Date’ is provided. |
deletionDate date — OPTIONALDeletion Date Date the programme enrolment was deleted. Type: Date Guidance: 2024-04-08 You must use ISO-8601 for your dates. |
subEnrolments object[] — OPTIONALsubEnrolments Type: SubEnrolmentModel array enrolmentLocalId stringPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20 Programme Enrolment Local ID A unique number issued by the TEO that identifies the programme enrolment within their system. Length: 20 Type: String Guidance: Must not be used to identify any other enrolment supplied by the TEO, regardless of enrolment status. Note: this does not include DELETED enrolments. Updates to any programme enrolment column cannot be made if programme enrolment status is Withdrawn or Completed. | fundingSourceTypeCode stringPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2 Funding Source Type Code The code that identifies the source of the funding that supports the learner's enrolment in the programme. This is the same list of funding source codes as used for reporting Provider-based learning, except only funding source code 37 is applicable for work-based. Length: 2 Type: Alpha-Numeric Guidance: Select a value from the list below. 37: Non-degree Delivery at Levels 3-7 on the NZQCF (DQ3-7) For complex arrangements the funding source code of the sub-enrolments must match the funding source code of the parent enrolment. | modeOfDeliveryCode int32Mode of Delivery Code The channel through which learning is delivered. This field is required for the purpose of funding determination and for identifying how work-based learning is delivered. Type: Integer Guidance: Select from one of the values below. 24: Work-based 25: Work-based: Pathway to work 26: Assessment and Verification The programme enrolment’s mode of delivery must match the associated programme’s mode of delivery for ‘Assessment and Verification’. For complex arrangements, the mode of delivery of sub-programme enrolments must match the mode of delivery of the over-arching programme enrolment. | participationStartDate dateParticipation Start Date The date the learner started learning or training. Type: Date Guidance: 2024-04-08 You must use ISO-8601 for your dates. Participation Start date must be on or after the Enrolment date. For NZAs the participation start date must be the same as the Training Plan Start Date. For sub-programmes, the sub-programme participation start date must be on or after the participation start date of the overarching programme enrolment participation start date. If the TEO needs to change the participation start date, they will need to withdraw the enrolment and create a new enrolment. | programmeId objectprogrammeNumber int32Programme Number A number issued by TEC that uniquely identifies a programme. Type: Integer Guidance: A TEO cannot have multiple programmes with the same Program Number and Version. | programmeVersionNumber int32Programme Version Number A number issued by TEC that identifies a version of a programme. Type: Integer Guidance: A TEO cannot have multiple programmes with the same Program Number and Version. |
| components object[]components Type: Component array mandatoryComponentIndicator boolean — OPTIONALMandatory Component Indicator Identifies whether the learner must have achieved the standard to complete the programme. Type: Boolean Guidance: Select a value from the list below: True: Mandatory False: Optional | componentId object — OPTIONALcomponentNumber stringPossible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20 Component Number Unique identifier of the component that the learner has enrolled in. Length: 20 Type: String Guidance: This is the Unit Standard number or the Skill Standard number. The Component and its version must exist for the programme and be active at the Participation Start Date. The enrolment for the component and its version is unique across any active enrolments for this learner and TEO. For complex arrangements the component should only be reported on one enrolment. The component and its version must not match a component on the learner’s RoA achieved before the Participation Start Date, unless the component also exists after the Participation Start Date, and it must be paid at NZQA. No Component and its version may exist on any previous enrolments for this learner and TEO where the enrolment status is “Active”, “Pending”, “Hold”, “Grace”, or “completed”, unless the component and its version is withdrawn from the learner’s RoA. Component and its version must not match an invalid component on the learner’s RoA. For SCP and LCP there must be at least one component supplied. | componentVersionNumber int32Component Version Number Unique identifier of the component that the learner has enrolled in. Type: Integer Guidance: This is the version number of the Unit Standard or the Skill Standard. |
| componentTypeCode int32 — OPTIONALComponent Type Code Identifies the type of component the learner has enrolled in. This field is required to identify the type of component the enrolment is associated with. There is more than one type of component a programme can compose of. Note: NZQA are numbering Skill Standards from 40000 to differentiate them form Unit Standard. Type: Integer Guidance: Select a value from the list below: 1: Unit Standard 2: Skill Standard |
| enrolmentDate date — OPTIONALEnrolment Date The date the learner became enrolled on the programme. This may be different from the date that learner started training or learning. Type: Date Guidance: 2024-04-08 You must use ISO-8601 for your dates. Enrolment date must be on or after the training agreement signed date. For sub-enrolments, the sub-programme enrolment date must be on or after the overarching programme enrolment date. | enrolmentStatus string — OPTIONALEnrolment Status A code which identifies the status of the Programme Enrolment. DXP will derive the Programme Enrolment Status based on the business rules outlined in the ‘programme enrolment statuses’ section above. Length: 20 Type: String Guidance: Valid status values are below: Pending: A Programme Enrolment is set to Pending if created for an NZA. Active: Learner is actively participating and engaged in their work-based programme. Only programme enrolments with a status of Active or Grace will accrue EFTS. Hold: An TEO may place a learner on hold if the learner is not actively training but intends to return to training within a short period of time. Placing a training agreement on hold means that all associated enrolments will no longer accrue EFTS. Grace: TEO helps the learner to complete the programme or obtain another job. Associated enrolments that are not “Completed” or “Withdrawn” will accrue EFTS. Withdrawn: A Learner has withdrawn from their programme enrolment. Completed: Learner has completed their programme enrolment. |