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Get Off Job Delivery

Get Off Job Delivery

Path Parameters
offJobDeliveryLocalId string REQUIRED
Header Parameters

Enter the EDUMIS (Organisation) ID


The operation returned successfully.

enrolmentLocalId string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Programme Enrolment Local ID

A unique number issued by the TEO that identifies the programme enrolment within their system.

This must be the same as that reported for the main programme enrolment.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: Must not be used to identify any other enrolment supplied by the TEO, regardless of enrolment status.

Note: This does not include DELETED enrolments.

Updates to any programme enrolment column cannot be made if programme enrolment status is Withdrawn or Completed.

offJobProviderCode int32

Off-Job Provider Code

Unique identifier of the TEO who delivered the off-job learning to the learner. Provider Code is assigned by the Ministry of Education to uniquely identify each TEO.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Provider Code needs to be a valid Provider Code.

Report your Provider Code in situations where off-job delivery is sub-contracted to non-registered TEOs.

courseCode string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Course Code

The internal code for a course in which learners are enrolled in for their off-job learning.

The code must be able to uniquely identify a specific course in which a learner is enrolled regardless of the period, location, and year in which it is taught.

The course code should be consistently reported for each course offered by the TEO.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: The internal code for the course. The code should contain no reference to dates or years in which the course is taught, e.g., “BlockCourse1”.

fundingCategory string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 2

Funding Category

The code to uniquely identify funding categories.

Note: TEOs must refer to the Delivery Classification Guide to assign the correct subject-matter funding category to the course.

Length: 2

Type: String

Guidance: Select a value from the funding categories classification. The funding categories classification are listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

courseClassification string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 10

Course Classification

The unique subject classification for the course.

TEOs must refer to the Delivery Classification Guide to assign the correct subject-matter funding category to the course.

Length: 10

Type: String

Guidance: Select a value from course classifications.

Course Classification is available at the TEC - Delivery Classification Guide. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

intramuralExtramuralAttendance int32

Intramural/ Extramural Attendance

The field is used to record a code which specifies whether a learner is enrolled in a course that requires learners to attend scheduled teaching sessions.

Note: Confirmation of what codes need to be used for Attendance type for off-job delivery will be confirmed in 2024.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Select a value from the list below:

1: Intramural and residing in New Zealand

2: Extramural and residing in New Zealand

The reported course enrolment will be regarded as being 100% in a particular mode, and this can be different from the underlying programme components.

courseStartDate date

Course Start Date

The start date of the learner's course(s) in the current or previous academic year.

This date is the officially notified beginning date of instruction and/or structured supervision associated with each learner's course(s) at a tertiary education organisation.

Type: Date

Guidance: 2024-04-08

You must use ISO-8601 for your dates.

courseEndDate date

Course End Date

The end date of the Learner's course.

This will normally be the officially notified end date of instruction and/or examination associated with a course.

If a course spans the end of the normal academic year, the last date will be for the following year.

Type: Date

Guidance: 2024-04-08

You must use ISO-8601 for your dates.

The Couse End Data cannot be after the completion or withdrawal data of the training programme.

learnersCourseWithdrawalDate date OPTIONAL

Learner’s Course Withdrawal Date

The date of withdrawal of a confirmed Learner enrolment from a course, programme or training scheme otherwise should be left blank.

A “withdrawal” means the withdrawal of a confirmed Learner enrolment from a course, programme, or training scheme, by notice from the Learner to the TEO or because of non-attendance or non-participation by a Learner at the TEO for any reason, and whether the Learner has been refunded any fees.

If a learner withdraws from a training agreement and has any open off-job training courses, this field will be updated automatically.

Type: Date

Guidance: 2024-04-08

You must use ISO-8601 for your dates.

eftsDelivered double

EFTS Delivered

The amount of EFTS delivered for this course enrolment.

Potential validation for course-based WB programmes – sum of all course EFTS value associated with Prog Enrol ID must not be greater than the EFTS value for the entire programme.

Type: Integer (1,4)

Guidance: The value is expressed as a decimal rounded to four decimal places – e.g., 0.2008.

offJobDeliveryLocalId string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Off-Job Delivery Local ID

A unique number issued by the TEO that identifies the off-job delivery within their system.

Length: 20

Type: String


Bad request. Check errors and codes for more detail.

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL
errors object OPTIONAL


type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL
errors object OPTIONAL

Rate Limiting may apply. Refer to Retry-After header

type string OPTIONAL
title string OPTIONAL
status int32 OPTIONAL
detail string OPTIONAL
instance string OPTIONAL