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Get Programme Version

Get Programme Version

Path Parameters
programmeLocalId string REQUIRED
programmeVersionNumber int32 REQUIRED
Header Parameters

Enter the EDUMIS (Organisation) ID


The programme version was fetched successfully.

programmeLocalName string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 500

Programme Local Name

The name by which the TEO refers to the programme. This name should follow the TEC naming standards where possible but can be tailored to the ITOs needs.

Length: 500

Type: String

Guidance: The Programme Name must be unique within the TEO and use the following standard:

· Qualification / Programme Name

nzscedFieldOfStudy string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 6

NZSCED Field of Study

Field of study classification of programme versions.

Length: 6

Type: String

Guidance: Select a value from the NZSCED classification.

This field is mandatory.

The NZSCED is available at Education Counts – New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED). They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

creditValue int32

Credit Value

The number of credits to be assessed during the programme.

Type: Integer


Where there is a strand the credit value listed on the strand should be used. Where there is not, or the strand ‘0’ is used, then use the credits on the qualification.

industryCodes string[]

Industry Code

Each programme must identify the industry the programme is intended for.

Industry Code (ANSIC) is defined by Statistics New Zealand and identifies the industry the learner is primarily working in. TEC collects ANSIC at the level 4 of the hierarchy.

Length: 20

Type: String array

Guidance: Select a value from the Statistics NZ Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 V1.0.0 level 4 list for your organisation.

Note: Please select the most appropriate value as only one value is required. The value selected can be different to that on the Training Agreement.

The Industrial classification is available at NZ Statistics: Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 V1.0.0. They are also listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

occupationCode string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Occupation Code

Each programme must identify the occupation the programme is intended for.

Occupation Code is defined by the TEC and identifies the occupancy the learner is primarily working in.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: Select a value from the TEC Occupation classification list for your organisation.

Note: Please select the most appropriate value as only one value is required. The value selected can be different to that on the Training Agreement.

The occupation classifications are listed in the DXP Data Classifications Appendices.

durationMonths int32

Duration Months

The number of whole months the programme takes to complete.

Duration is used to calculate a programmes’ credit per year,

Length 3

Type: Integer

Guidance: Minimum duration may vary by programme type. Current minimums based on the credit load are:

LCP: 4 months

NQ: 7 months

NZA: 7 months

SCP: 4 months

MC: 1 month

startDate date

Start Date

Date from which the programme is available for use.

Type: Date

Guidance: 2024-04-08

You must use ISO-8601 for your dates.

modeOfDeliveryCode int32

Mode of Delivery Code

The channel through which learning is delivered.

This is a new field that is needed for funding purposes under UFS.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

24: Work-based

25: Work-based: Pathway to work

26: Assessment and Verification

Validation will fail if the programme is ‘Assessment and Verification’ and associated programme enrolment(s) are ‘Work-based ‘or ‘Work-based: Pathway’.

If Mode of Delivery for a programme version is ‘Assessment and Verification’, then all associated programme enrolments’ mode of delivery must also be ‘Assessment and Verification’.

Where a programme version mode of delivery is ‘Work based’, the mode of delivery for associated programme enrolments can only be ‘work-based’, or ‘Work-based: Pathway’.

For complex arrangements the sub-programmes must have the same Mode of Delivery as the over-arching programme.

studyTypeCode string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 3

Study Type Code

Unique identifier of the type of learning.

This is a new field that replaces the previous ‘Funding Source Code’ field, as all work-based is funded under UFS.

Length: 3

Type: String

Guidance: Select a value from the list below.

NZA - New Zealand Apprenticeship

IT – Industry Training

For complex arrangements the sub-programmes must have the same Study Type as the over-arching programme.

maximumProgrammeFee double

Maximum Programme Fee

Defines what the maximum fee amount (inclusive of GST) that a TEOs charges for this programme.


It is not relevant who pays the fees.

The amount should be the annualised fee for the programme; - i.e., the maximum fee that a learner would pay for the programme for a calendar year.

· If the programme is less than 12 months, then it is the maximum total fee for the programme.

· If the programme is longer, then it would be maximum amount to be paid for a 12-month period.

As this is not the actual fee charged to the learner, refunds are not applicable.

Used in conjunction with the Total Work-based Learner Fees to understand the fees charged across vocational education.

Type: Decimal (8,2)

Guidance: Enter an amount to the nearest cent. The value is expressed as a decimal rounded to two decimal places – e.g., 0.15.

expiryDate date OPTIONAL

Expiry Date

Date on which the programme ceases to be available for enrolments. Any enrolments attempted after this date will be rejected.

Type: Date

Guidance: 2024-04-08

You must use ISO-8601 for your dates.

Once an expiry date has passed it cannot be updated.

nationalQualificationProgramme object OPTIONAL
qualificationNumber string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Target Qualification Number

A number that identifies a qualification registered on the National Qualification and Credentials Framework that this programme leads to.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: Enter the Qualification Number of the qualification that is specific to your organisation.

qualificationVersionNumber int32

Target Qualification Version Number

A number that identifies a version of a qualification on the NQCF.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Enter the Qualification Number of the qualification that is specific to your organisation.

This field is required when a Target Qualification Number has been supplied.

strandNumbers int32[] OPTIONAL

Target Qualification Strand Numbers

Numbers that identify strands of a qualification. Only supply this value if you want to identify specific strands of a qualification.

Type: Array of Integer

Guidance: If provided, DXP will check the strand numbers and validate they exists on the NQF for this programme and version.

limitedCreditProgramme object OPTIONAL
targetProgrammeNumber int32 OPTIONAL

Target Programme Number

Used for LCPs and Complex arrangements. For Complex it will contain the Programme number of the Parent programme, and for LCP it will contain the Programme Local ID of the target programme.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: Enter the Programme Local ID.

components object[] OPTIONAL


Type: Component array

mandatoryComponentIndicator boolean OPTIONAL

Mandatory Component Indicator

Identifies whether the learner must have achieved the standard to complete the programme.

Type: Boolean

Guidance: Select a value from the list below:

True: Mandatory

False: Optional

componentId object OPTIONAL
componentNumber string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Component Number

Unique identifier of the component that the learner has enrolled in.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: This is the Unit Standard number or the Skill Standard number.

The Component and its version must exist for the programme and be active at the Participation Start Date.

The enrolment for the component and its version is unique across any active enrolments for this learner and TEO. For complex arrangements the component should only be reported on one enrolment.

The component and its version must not match a component on the learner’s RoA achieved before the Participation Start Date, unless the component also exists after the Participation Start Date, and it must be paid at NZQA.

No Component and its version may exist on any previous enrolments for this learner and TEO where the enrolment status is “Active”, “Pending”, “Hold”, “Grace”, or “completed”, unless the component and its version is withdrawn from the learner’s RoA.

Component and its version must not match an invalid component on the learner’s RoA.

For SCP and LCP there must be at least one component supplied.

componentVersionNumber int32

Component Version Number

Unique identifier of the component that the learner has enrolled in.

Type: Integer

Guidance: This is the version number of the Unit Standard or the Skill Standard.

componentTypeCode int32 OPTIONAL

Component Type Code

Identifies the type of component the learner has enrolled in. This field is required to identify the type of component the enrolment is associated with. There is more than one type of component a programme can compose of.

Note: NZQA are numbering Skill Standards from 40000 to differentiate them form Unit Standard.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Select a value from the list below:

1: Unit Standard

2: Skill Standard

supplementaryCreditProgramme object OPTIONAL
targetQualificationId object OPTIONAL
qualificationNumber string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Target Qualification Number

A number that identifies a qualification registered on the National Qualification and Credentials Framework that this programme leads to.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: Enter the Qualification Number of the qualification that is specific to your organisation.

qualificationVersionNumber int32

Target Qualification Version Number

A number that identifies a version of a qualification on the NQCF.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Enter the Qualification Number of the qualification that is specific to your organisation.

This field is required when a Target Qualification Number has been supplied.

strandNumbers int32[] OPTIONAL

Target Qualification Strand Numbers

Numbers that identify strands of a qualification. Only supply this value if you want to identify specific strands of a qualification.

Type: Array of Integer

Guidance: If provided, DXP will check the strand numbers and validate they exists on the NQF for this programme and version.

components object[] OPTIONAL


Type: Component array

mandatoryComponentIndicator boolean OPTIONAL

Mandatory Component Indicator

Identifies whether the learner must have achieved the standard to complete the programme.

Type: Boolean

Guidance: Select a value from the list below:

True: Mandatory

False: Optional

componentId object OPTIONAL
componentNumber string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Component Number

Unique identifier of the component that the learner has enrolled in.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: This is the Unit Standard number or the Skill Standard number.

The Component and its version must exist for the programme and be active at the Participation Start Date.

The enrolment for the component and its version is unique across any active enrolments for this learner and TEO. For complex arrangements the component should only be reported on one enrolment.

The component and its version must not match a component on the learner’s RoA achieved before the Participation Start Date, unless the component also exists after the Participation Start Date, and it must be paid at NZQA.

No Component and its version may exist on any previous enrolments for this learner and TEO where the enrolment status is “Active”, “Pending”, “Hold”, “Grace”, or “completed”, unless the component and its version is withdrawn from the learner’s RoA.

Component and its version must not match an invalid component on the learner’s RoA.

For SCP and LCP there must be at least one component supplied.

componentVersionNumber int32

Component Version Number

Unique identifier of the component that the learner has enrolled in.

Type: Integer

Guidance: This is the version number of the Unit Standard or the Skill Standard.

componentTypeCode int32 OPTIONAL

Component Type Code

Identifies the type of component the learner has enrolled in. This field is required to identify the type of component the enrolment is associated with. There is more than one type of component a programme can compose of.

Note: NZQA are numbering Skill Standards from 40000 to differentiate them form Unit Standard.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Select a value from the list below:

1: Unit Standard

2: Skill Standard

complexArrangementProgramme object OPTIONAL
subProgrammeIds object[] OPTIONAL


Type: ProgrammeId array

programmeNumber int32

Programme Number

A number issued by TEC that uniquely identifies a programme.

Type: Integer

Guidance: A TEO cannot have multiple programmes with the same Program Number and Version.

programmeVersionNumber int32

Programme Version Number

A number issued by TEC that identifies a version of a programme.

Type: Integer

Guidance: A TEO cannot have multiple programmes with the same Program Number and Version.

components object[] OPTIONAL


Type: Component array

mandatoryComponentIndicator boolean OPTIONAL

Mandatory Component Indicator

Identifies whether the learner must have achieved the standard to complete the programme.

Type: Boolean

Guidance: Select a value from the list below:

True: Mandatory

False: Optional

componentId object OPTIONAL
componentNumber string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Component Number

Unique identifier of the component that the learner has enrolled in.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: This is the Unit Standard number or the Skill Standard number.

The Component and its version must exist for the programme and be active at the Participation Start Date.

The enrolment for the component and its version is unique across any active enrolments for this learner and TEO. For complex arrangements the component should only be reported on one enrolment.

The component and its version must not match a component on the learner’s RoA achieved before the Participation Start Date, unless the component also exists after the Participation Start Date, and it must be paid at NZQA.

No Component and its version may exist on any previous enrolments for this learner and TEO where the enrolment status is “Active”, “Pending”, “Hold”, “Grace”, or “completed”, unless the component and its version is withdrawn from the learner’s RoA.

Component and its version must not match an invalid component on the learner’s RoA.

For SCP and LCP there must be at least one component supplied.

componentVersionNumber int32

Component Version Number

Unique identifier of the component that the learner has enrolled in.

Type: Integer

Guidance: This is the version number of the Unit Standard or the Skill Standard.

componentTypeCode int32 OPTIONAL

Component Type Code

Identifies the type of component the learner has enrolled in. This field is required to identify the type of component the enrolment is associated with. There is more than one type of component a programme can compose of.

Note: NZQA are numbering Skill Standards from 40000 to differentiate them form Unit Standard.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Select a value from the list below:

1: Unit Standard

2: Skill Standard

microCredentialProgramme object OPTIONAL
targetQualificationId object OPTIONAL
qualificationNumber string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Target Qualification Number

A number that identifies a qualification registered on the National Qualification and Credentials Framework that this programme leads to.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: Enter the Qualification Number of the qualification that is specific to your organisation.

qualificationVersionNumber int32

Target Qualification Version Number

A number that identifies a version of a qualification on the NQCF.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Enter the Qualification Number of the qualification that is specific to your organisation.

This field is required when a Target Qualification Number has been supplied.

strandNumbers int32[] OPTIONAL

Target Qualification Strand Numbers

Numbers that identify strands of a qualification. Only supply this value if you want to identify specific strands of a qualification.

Type: Array of Integer

Guidance: If provided, DXP will check the strand numbers and validate they exists on the NQF for this programme and version.

components object[] OPTIONAL


Type: Component array

mandatoryComponentIndicator boolean OPTIONAL

Mandatory Component Indicator

Identifies whether the learner must have achieved the standard to complete the programme.

Type: Boolean

Guidance: Select a value from the list below:

True: Mandatory

False: Optional

componentId object OPTIONAL
componentNumber string

Possible values: 1 ≤ length ≤ 20

Component Number

Unique identifier of the component that the learner has enrolled in.

Length: 20

Type: String

Guidance: This is the Unit Standard number or the Skill Standard number.

The Component and its version must exist for the programme and be active at the Participation Start Date.

The enrolment for the component and its version is unique across any active enrolments for this learner and TEO. For complex arrangements the component should only be reported on one enrolment.

The component and its version must not match a component on the learner’s RoA achieved before the Participation Start Date, unless the component also exists after the Participation Start Date, and it must be paid at NZQA.

No Component and its version may exist on any previous enrolments for this learner and TEO where the enrolment status is “Active”, “Pending”, “Hold”, “Grace”, or “completed”, unless the component and its version is withdrawn from the learner’s RoA.

Component and its version must not match an invalid component on the learner’s RoA.

For SCP and LCP there must be at least one component supplied.

componentVersionNumber int32

Component Version Number

Unique identifier of the component that the learner has enrolled in.

Type: Integer

Guidance: This is the version number of the Unit Standard or the Skill Standard.

componentTypeCode int32 OPTIONAL

Component Type Code

Identifies the type of component the learner has enrolled in. This field is required to identify the type of component the enrolment is associated with. There is more than one type of component a programme can compose of.

Note: NZQA are numbering Skill Standards from 40000 to differentiate them form Unit Standard.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Select a value from the list below:

1: Unit Standard

2: Skill Standard

programmeLocalId string OPTIONAL

Programme Local ID

The owning organisations reference for the Programme version.

Must be unique within the TEO for a programme. The TEO cannot have two programmes with the same local programme identifier.

Length: 20

Type: String


programmeTypeCode string OPTIONAL

Programme Type Code

A string that identifies the type of programme.

Length: 3

Type: String

Guidance: Select a value from the list below:

NQ: National Qualification Programme, a single training programme

LCP: Limited Credit Programme, an introductory programme intended to introduce a learner to a specific national qualification and lead to enrolment in, and completion, of that qualification.

SCP: Supplementary Credit Programme, a programme that adds to an existing qualification already held by the learner.

MC: Micro-credential Programme, a programme focussing on skill development opportunities. Used when a programme is a Micro-credential, and this micro-credential consists of one or more various components.

COM: Complex arrangement, programme that contains sub-programmes and/or additional components.

nzqcfLevel int32 OPTIONAL


A number between 1 and 10 that identifies the level on the NZQCF of the Programme.

Type: Integer

Guidance: Please enter a value between 1 and 10 inclusive, whole numbers only.

Where a qualification strand exists, then the level listed on the strand should be used. Where there is not, or the strand ‘0’ is used, then use the level on the qualification.

An NZA must have a NZQCF level of 4 or more.

programmeNumber int32 OPTIONAL
programmeVersionNumber int32 OPTIONAL

Bad request. Check errors and codes for more detail.

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errors object OPTIONAL


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errors object OPTIONAL

Rate Limiting may apply. Refer to Retry-After header

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